Pug's stuff

This is the home page of Master Phelim "Pug"
Gervase in the Society for Creative Anacrohnism.
Pug is a general nusicance but sometimes useful because of he likes to
make computers go, to make alcohol, and to cook from time to time.

- SCA related materials
- Society for Creative Anachronism
- Kingdom of Ansteorra
- Barony of Bryn Gwlad
- Dark Horde Moritu
- Brewing related materials
- Alcohol for one and all
- Hypocras
- Sample Brewing Handbook
- BVC Roundtable notes (LPT November 1998)
- Directions to Pug's place
- Combat related materials
- The Association for Renaissance Martial
- Chivalric Fighting Arts
- Sacramento Sword School
- Order of the Seven Hearts
- The Oakeshott Institute
- Destraza Translation and Research Project
- I.33 Pictorial Study (Hunt)
- I.33 Manuscript (Bachmann)
- I.33 Manuscript (Flower)
- The Exiles Fiore Project
- George Silver's Paradoxes of Defence
- Vincentio Saviolo's His Pratice in Two Books
- Ceallach mac Donal's manual links

Last update on May 3rd, A.S XLIX (2014 c.e.).